Sell To Us
Sell Your Sports Cards with Ease
Full disclosure: It is important to understand that a cash deal will result in a lower price than what you would get on our consignment program. There are reasons for that which we can explain on a phone call.
That said, SELL TO US is FAST and FAIR.
Tell us what you have and then we will suggest a path forward. We will need pictures for a quick evaluation and then we will decide to have you ship or deliver the cards to us and then send payment or you pick up the cash.

Ensuring Fairness
Sometimes we will come to you if the need arises, and it makes sense.
Prices we pay are based upon comparative prices in the market as evidenced by recent sales. We use established and accepted industry tools that we can show you.
By taking the time to talk with us you can gain knowledge even if you decide not to work with us. We are happy to pay it forward as that is how folks mentored us as we were learning.

Buy, Sell, Consign or Just Ask!
We Are Here To Help
Deciding whether to consign or sell your cards? Let’s talk—no obligations, just friendly advice.